More About Us
Worship at People's

  • Sunday Schedule
    9:00am: “The Anchor”
    A Traditional Worship Service
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am: “The Bridge” Fellowship
    A time For Coffee & Conversation
    10:30am: “The Well-Spring”
    An Informal, Family-Friendly Worship Service Utilizing Different Musical Styles
    Last Sunday of Each Month
    9:00am Education Hour – All Ages
    10:00am “The Bridge” Fellowship
    10:30am “The Oasis” Worship

    Professional Nursery Care Provided 8:45-11:30am

    Have a question?
    We look forward to hearing from you!
    651 439-5667

    Our Staff

    Rev. Beth Faeth

    Rev. Beth Faeth has been the Senior Pastor of People’s Church since July 2003. She is also a loving wife, a blessed mom of two young children, a hopeful gardener, a compassionate listener and a belly laugher. “I believe that God is in the midst of all things – joy, sorrow, goodness, Concerts Washington challenge, mundane. It is through the church community that we can tune into God’s presence and allow God to shape our life and work. I proclaim the power of God’s love, and as a pastor I want to encourage others to open themselves up to that transforming love – to the power of God that can heal, can encourage, can reconcile, can renew. It is through God’s love that we understand our true potential.” Email:

    Sharon Neuenfeldt

    Sharon Neuenfeldt is the Worship Accompanist.  She plays the organ, piano and clavinova for Sunday worship services.  Sharon describes herself as dedicated, sensitive, musical, caring, honest and dependable. “The things I like about People’s Church include the staff, congregation, choir, Sunday services and the instruments.”

    Becky Clark

    Becky Clark is the Office Ministry Coordinator.  She is a loving mother, crafter and reader.  She is also described by many as the “glue” that holds the church together!  Becky is sure to greet you with a smile and friendly greeting – whether on the phone or in person at the office. “I was led to this position 10 years ago by God and the love of the job and people of People’s has strengthened me ever since.” Email:

    Debbie Muhlenkord

    Debbie Muhlenkord is the Director of Youth Ministries.  A dedicated mother and grandmother, Debbie describes herself as creative, objective, compassionate, honest, fun-loving and an organizer. “My goal is to provide the children and the youth the opportunity to learn and grow in their faith through a variety of Christian experiences including education, worship, music, fun and fellowship. Sunday School, Confirmation and Pilgrim Fellowship should help nurture a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe that God’s calling for me has always been to show His love and bring His Word to the children of His kingdom.” Email:

    Melinda Hoke

    Melinda Hoke is the Choir Director.  

    Contact / Directions


    People's Congregational Church
    ph. 651.439.5667
    309 North Third Street Bayport, MN 55003